
Lithium-ion Battery Safety

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Lithium-ion Battery Safety for Consumers

Many portable devices such as laptop computers, mobile phones, children’s toys, e-scooters and e-cigarettes may contain rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. They are light-weight, energy dense and long lasting but can be more volatile than traditional batteries.

Most modern devices with rechargeable batteries contain lithium-ion batteries. Occasionally, if a lithium-ion battery is improperly charged, handled, stored or disposed of there is a risk of overheating, catching fire or explosion. This also increases the risk of a house fire, garage fire or personal injury.

Lithium-ion Battery Warning Indicators

Stop using the battery if you notice strong odours, colour change, extreme heat, change in shape, leaking or unusual sounds (for example popping or hissing).

Don’t touch leaking or damaged batteries (use gloves) and clean up any spilled material carefully. If safe to do so remove the device away from anything that can catch fire.

If your battery catches fire ring 000 immediately and wait in a safe location for firefighters to arrive.

Lithium-ion Battery Disposal

FRV and FES supports safe lithium-ion battery disposal, for more information on where and how to dispose of used batteries please use the below links:


Plant Ark


Please see Fire Rescue Victoria’s dedicated battery safety page for more safety advice and guidelines.

You can trust FES to keep you and your people safe.